Emergency Management Procedures
The Freehold Township School District is committed to ensuring that all of our students and staff are safe and secure while at school. During these difficult times, our commitment to the safety and security of our school community is unwavering. The purpose of this letter is to communicate to you that we are prepared to respond to emergency situations and to share information that you may need in the event of an emergency during school hours. We assure that our district/school websites do not post information that could compromise security. In addition, we stay in contact with law enforcement officials who provide us with direction regarding security matters to be sure that we are doing everything possible to maintain our security.
Our Safe Schools and Crisis Management Plan has been reviewed and revised by our administration and by the Crisis Management Teams in each of our schools. We have reviewed the plan with local police, fire safety, and health personnel to ensure that we are doing what is appropriate. The most important consideration in both crisis management and our safe schools efforts is the health, safety, and welfare of the students and staff.
In the event of an emergency, our schools are prepared to evacuate our students on-site, off-site to an undisclosed location, or to secure students and staff within the building if a lockdown is necessary. All of our schools have food, water, and first aid supplies to last for several days if necessary. We will do everything we can to keep your children safe and secure in case of an emergency until we are able to return them safely to you.
What is it that you, as parents and guardians, can do now and in the event of a crisis?
Make sure that your child’s school has current phone numbers and emergency contacts on file.
If your child is on special medication that may need to be administered by the nurse, make sure that the school nurse has a doctor’s order and a sufficient supply of the medication.
If you wish to remove your child from school, please make sure that you follow the school’s sign-out procedure.
Be aware that we will only release children to parents/guardians or those listed as emergency contacts.
Know that in case of an emergency, we will try to contact you by phone. You should only call the school if you are not near the phone we would normally call. It is important not to tie up our phone lines so that we can contact everyone we need to.
If we need to close the schools prior to normal dismissal, we will attempt to contact you, and will follow our regular transportation routine.
Tune in to the following media stations for further information: 94.3 FM, 92.7 FM, 105.7 FM, 96.9 FM, 107.3 FM, 104.9 FM, 101.5 FM, News 12 NJ, NBC 4, and storm watch.
Remember that we are working with police and county officials who will assist and direct the schools as appropriate.
Remember that Code Orange and Code Red do not automatically trigger an evacuation or lockdown, and that schools will continue normal operations unless directed to do otherwise.
Stay calm! Your child will sense this and react accordingly. Talk to your child and reassure them that they will be safe with their teachers until you are able to get them.
Call your child’s principal with any questions this letter does not answer for you.
Please be assured that we are doing everything possible to prepare for potential emergencies while at the same time maintaining a sense of normalcy in our daily lives. Please help us by assuring your children that the adults in their lives are prepared to keep them safe and secure!
Our Safe Schools and Crisis Management Plan has been reviewed and revised by our administration and by the Crisis Management Teams in each of our schools. We have reviewed the plan with local police, fire safety, and health personnel to ensure that we are doing what is appropriate. The most important consideration in both crisis management and our safe schools efforts is the health, safety, and welfare of the students and staff.
In the event of an emergency, our schools are prepared to evacuate our students on-site, off-site to an undisclosed location, or to secure students and staff within the building if a lockdown is necessary. All of our schools have food, water, and first aid supplies to last for several days if necessary. We will do everything we can to keep your children safe and secure in case of an emergency until we are able to return them safely to you.
What is it that you, as parents and guardians, can do now and in the event of a crisis?
Make sure that your child’s school has current phone numbers and emergency contacts on file.
If your child is on special medication that may need to be administered by the nurse, make sure that the school nurse has a doctor’s order and a sufficient supply of the medication.
If you wish to remove your child from school, please make sure that you follow the school’s sign-out procedure.
Be aware that we will only release children to parents/guardians or those listed as emergency contacts.
Know that in case of an emergency, we will try to contact you by phone. You should only call the school if you are not near the phone we would normally call. It is important not to tie up our phone lines so that we can contact everyone we need to.
If we need to close the schools prior to normal dismissal, we will attempt to contact you, and will follow our regular transportation routine.
Tune in to the following media stations for further information: 94.3 FM, 92.7 FM, 105.7 FM, 96.9 FM, 107.3 FM, 104.9 FM, 101.5 FM, News 12 NJ, NBC 4, and storm watch.
Remember that we are working with police and county officials who will assist and direct the schools as appropriate.
Remember that Code Orange and Code Red do not automatically trigger an evacuation or lockdown, and that schools will continue normal operations unless directed to do otherwise.
Stay calm! Your child will sense this and react accordingly. Talk to your child and reassure them that they will be safe with their teachers until you are able to get them.
Call your child’s principal with any questions this letter does not answer for you.
Please be assured that we are doing everything possible to prepare for potential emergencies while at the same time maintaining a sense of normalcy in our daily lives. Please help us by assuring your children that the adults in their lives are prepared to keep them safe and secure!